Awesome local band! They put on a rad performance. They are not my typical music style, but I really enjoy seeing them play. Seen the band play a couple of times and was very impressed. If you like Indie music then go to their show!

Lose None

Such a sick death metal/ hardcore band out of San Leandro, Califirnia. Once again I am so stoked to find a band that comes from somewhere so close to my home.This band is so hard and super dope. I love discovering metal, since it is one of my favorite types of music. If you haven’t heard them before, then I highly recommend looking them up.

Photo credit: Lose None’s Myspace page

Reign Supreme

Sick metal band I just discovered! If you are into metal or hardcore and have not heard of this band, I really think you should look them up. This band just gave me hope that there might be good hardcore out there. They are a hardcore band out of Philadelphia. People who like Terror or Integrity may like them.

photo credit: Reign Supreme’s Facebook page




This is such a sick band out of New Jersey. Such a good metal band! If you don’t know them, check them out. Don’t know a ton about this band, but I was really impressed. If you are a metal or hardcore fan then look them up!

photo credit: Bottomfeeder’s Facebook page



Ten After Two

Ten after Two are a new band coming out of Sacramento. They have been around for a couple years. They are new to me and I just got excited about them. Ten after Two mix  regular singing with hardcore growling. If you are into softer hardcore then check them out. It’s cool to discover new music that is not far from my hometown.

photo credit: Yen After Two’s MySpace page

Dead Panic

Dead panic are a local San Francisco Hardcore punk band. I saw them at Submission and they put on a rad show. If you are in San Francisco and like hardcore music then go check them out!

Photo credit: Dead Panic’s Facebook photo

Rotting Out

Rotting Out are a hardcore band from LA. They have been around for four years, but they are new to me. I was lucky enough to catch them at Submission with Topx Notch and then at the Madball show at Thee Parkside. To the Hardcore kids who haven’t heard them before I suggest attending a show that they are playing.

Photo credit: Rotting Out’s Facebook page


Rad Hardcore band! Seen this band play a bunch and I really like them! Been in the hardcore scene for years and they remind me of old straight edge Hardcore bands. I feel like watching them is nostalgic. If you haven’t seen or heard of them, I suggest checking them out! You can usually catch them at Five Points Arthouse or Submission in San Francisco. TopxNotch are playing January 12 at Submission. I suggest going!

Photo credit: TopxNotch’s Facebook page

I am stoked on Our Hearts Alive


I believe in this band and expect great things from them. They need your help by linking their Facebook page and following them.

New Band Alert

New band I’m stoked for.  It’s my friends solo project.

High Society